Course Champions

Course Champions for the 2024-2026 Academic Years

Effective July 1, 2024, course committees will be dissolved and replaced with recently appointed Course Champions, who will serve July 2024 - June 2026. There will no longer be full course committees led by a chair - instead a single Course Champion (or in some cases co-Champions) will serve as the main point of contact regarding the course content.

In the College of Information Sciences and Technology, undergraduate courses are updated and maintained by course champions. Course champions are determined by general knowledge of the content associated with the course and frequency and/or recency of teaching experience with the course.

List of Course Champions by Program/Course

List of Course Champions by Faculty Area

Champion Responsibilities

In general, the role of the course champion is to work closely with faculty leadership and staff to:

  • Respond to course-related questions and concerns, especially from new instructors
  • Help to maintain agreement on the common 80% of the course, if specified
  • Participate in assessment efforts as needed
  • Work with faculty leadership and PUAC (Program Undergraduate Advisory Committee) to form ad hoc course committees*
  • Participate in course revisions as a collaborator and/or course reviewer
  • Assist with course proposals and changes, in conjunction with the PUAC

*While there will no longer be full course committees established on a bi-annual basis, course champions (in consultation with faculty leadership and PUAC) may choose to form ad hoc course committees, if there is a specific need for one.